
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

"So uh... Hi, I guess I'm a pretentious douche. IM SMRT"

It's okay, you're not nearly as bad as me, who instinctively shifted into a judgemental mindset after reading the first line of your comment (before checking myself on that nonsense)

I suppose I spent many years inadvertently training myself to be an asshole in this manner, so I shouldn't be surprised that it requires regular work to remain a "recovering asshole", rather than just an asshole. Because you're quite right: like what you like, fuck the haters indeed

Same. I am really glad I went in blind on a Durge play through. I unexpectedly ended up romancing Astarion, and I really loved how that dynamic unfolded. I think in Act 2, Astarion even says something like "huh, I guess we're more alike than I realised". I just love my party of traumatized weirdos who are desperately trying to forge a life of agency and hope, and wholesome Durge is the epitome of that

"I've seen 5+ clones of Papers Please. I doubt that if you surveyed people describing the mechanics that they would be interested especially if Papers Please never came out."

I think this is a great example. You can't distill things down to a formula because these things exist in conversation with each other. An example that comes to mind is the game "Not Tonight", a Brexit themed Papers Please clone. Mechanically, it does very little to distinguish itself from papers please, but narratively, that's sort of the whole point: It being a clone specifically leverages the energy of "Glory to Arstotzka" to satirise the UK's institutional racism.

Surveys don't capture that games like this aren't just clones of Papers Please, they're actively in conversation with Papers Please

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

How so? (Not trying to start an argument; am genuinely curious for sources because I found it hard to find info when I googled this)

Edit: not the politico being owned by Springer, but Springer being partially responsible for the rightward shift

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ooh, thanks for this link. I'm not a podcast person, but I have a friend who would love this

I have a disability that gives me quite a lot of pain, and my 1-10 pain scale doesn't actually go up to 10; I will never say I'm at a 10/10 pain, because that's saying it's the worst it could ever be, which is asking for trouble

"But we also have to be careful because presenting a minority group as already extinct exists to help continue the perpetuation of the genocide. As Judith Butler describes.

  An ungrievable life is one that cannot be mourned because it has never lived, that is, it has never counted as a life at all'

Thank you so much for this reminder; because of this, I have realised that this is a trap that my thoughts sometimes slip into. Hopefully I will be able to be mindful of it and check myself in future

[–] 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

When I was a teenager, I promised myself that if nothing improved by the time I was 20, I would allow myself the escape of suicide — fuck anyone who would begrudge me that. The bar wasn't "things have to be fully better"; there just needed to be a non-zero improvement to prove that improvement was possible.

Ironically, this pledge probably saved my life, because it meant that I could tell myself "not yet" when I was in a crisis and at risk of harming myself. Fortunately, by the time I had reached 20, I had experienced some fairly significant improvements, and whilst my mental health was still rocky, there were parts of me that genuinely wanted to live.

My post-20 life has been messy, because I literally never expected to get this far. It sort of feels like a bonus level in a video game. It's pretty surreal.

Enough about me though, I want to hear a bit about you, if you're willing to share. What's something that gives you zest for life? Something that fuels the hope that I'm feeling from your comment?

I feel you. Having to grieve the person you could've been is one the tragedies of having been forced to survive rather than live. The most difficult part of healing is somehow forging a new life in which you can thrive.

That's something that I've been struggling with lately. If I structure my life around who I am right now, then the result is a routine of misery where I don't chase anything of joy. However, if I try to build a life for the person I would like to be, I find I don't fit inside that world, and I crumble — demoralised by overambitious burnout. The tension between the world as it is and the world as it ought to be is a tightrope that I need to somehow balance on if I want to make progress.

Solidarity, friend. You deserve better than what you have had.

Damn, I didn't realise I needed this today

[–] 4 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Do they not do stuff like that anymore? I'd be interested to hear about what's happening in schools nowadays — I don't know any school-age kids, so I'm unaware of what things are like.


Taken from Tumblr:

Link to John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (the thing referenced in this meme):


Taken from Tumblr

Link to John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (the thing referenced in this meme):


Unpaywalled archive link: Open Access link to the study mentioned:

Posting because I saw another post on this community about Extinction Rebellion UK blocking a private jet airport today (June 2024) ( and wondered how many people know that leaded fuel is still pretty common in planes, both in the UK and elsewhere; I was pretty shocked when I first learned this


This was a switch that got its wires pulled out. I learned how to desolder today in order to remove it from the little switch board and now there's three holes where this used to be. Does this component have a name, because I'm wondering whether I can just get a replacement one like this. There are lots of tools and supplies at the makerspace I used, but I need to know what I'd be looking for.

Alternatively, what else might I be able to use to do this? I suppose I could just trim and strip the wires and shove those through and solder, but that seems...crude? I don't know. I'd prefer something with pins because I practiced soldering and desoldering using some broken electronics I had, and I'm more confident with pins than something so freeform.

Thanks for your time.


I've seen a few communities where this question has led to some interesting discussion and figured this community might have some thoughts on it.


Over Christmas, I realised that I don't actually own any torches, and whilst I have no interest in throwing myself into yet another expensive, niche hobby, I wondered if the folk here could help suggest a possible flashlight.

I'm wondering what kind of options are for a headlamp style flashlight, ideally one that can be detached from the headlamp mounting, if that's a thing. In the most ideal world, the flashlight itself would be small enough I could fit it in my everyday carry tool pouch, which is a tool pouch that's around A5 size.

I used to have a basic headlamp which had three lights on it and a button which toggled between modes so it had some variable brightness. I liked that I could tilt it up and down. I used it mostly for digging in unlit storage units, or illuminating in and around my car when unloading at night. It wouldn't need to be too bright (the brightness aspect is one of the things I find most overwhelming about fancy flashlights, because there's a lot of in-group lingo to be learned which I haven't had the brain for.

One of the worst parts about my old headlamp was that its charging adaptor was specific and it'd often go uncharged if I couldn't find the specific charger for it. I don't know how fancy flashlights(TM) are generally powered, but I don't want to get a nice gadget I never use because it's awkward to charge. Proprietary connectors are a bit of a nightmare.

My budget would be up to £100 as a maximum, and only for something that ticked all my boxes. I have no idea how reasonably my goals are here, so thank you for reading this. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions anyone has, whether they be product suggestions, or questions that might be useful for me to consider in narrowing this down. You don't need to explain your recommendations too much — I can go away and research stuff once I have a place to start, but at the moment it just feels a bit big


Edit: I feel like I've got plenty to go on now, thank you to everyone who answered, I love y'all, wonderful nerds


I'm a mathsy scientist, not a linguist, so I'm coming at this from a different angle, but I find this blog by a linguist gives a great informal overview of applied category theory in linguistics.

Similar concepts from a mathematician's angle is here: I really enjoy how complementary these perspectives are

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