Ama very rural guy who grew up with a left wing familly.
They mocked me and didn't take me seriously. They weren't hateful directly, but just utterly dismissive of me. When I got a boyfriend they were ultra strict but let my brother fuck his girlfriend in his room. My boyfriend wasn't allowed on the porch and we had to have a stiff and awkward conversation next to the road.
I couldn't walk in the same room as my dad because he'd aggressively mock me for sounding gay and being too feminine. It gave me bad insecurities and I put on a layer of fake masculinity that I now realize I ruined my youth with. I wish I could just be a femboy at 18 instead of a balding wrinkled pig in lipstick like right now.
When my future husband was suicidal and I devoted all my time to comforting him, they mocked me more. They arbitrarily grounded me from my phone and computer. So when i stole my phone and used it to communicate with my husband (and use reddit) my dad literally picked me up and threw me out of the house.
If it wasn't for my uncle I'd have been homeless.
Writing all of that down makes me regret rebuilding my relationship with my dad now that I'm married, but I'm not going to undo that. I guess it's better this way.