She raises a legitimate question.
She wrote a book about it! It's called From the Cradle to the Stage and it's basically Virginia Hanlon Grohl interviewing the moms of other famous musicians from Dr. Dre to Amy Winehouse to Haim about their experiences raising kids who went on to become musical superstars and how they (the moms) perceive that superstardom
I wanna see her and all the green day moms hang out
I also want to see her topless.
Hey hey hey this isn’t Stacey’s mom we’re talking about, there’s little to no evidence as to whether grohl’s mom has it going on or not.
Her name is “Virginia Hanlon Grohl”. So maybe this is more of a “Meet Virginia” situation.
Depends on where Dave got it from I guess
Expectation: drugs, alcohol, groupies, debauchery
Reality: sitting around laughing about childhood stories over a few beers
Guess that's why they're still around going strong decades after their big break.
Expectation: drugs, alcohol
Alcohol is a drug.
And yet, adding alcohol as a descriptor paints a more complete picture.
Yeah, but nobody does heroin responsibility. Nobody just has two blows. Let's not even talk about how crystal meth not even once.
You aren't wrong, but I know a guy that would go on random binges while on leave.
One time he fucked off to Golden Gate Park, living on couches and the street, did heroin for a week and then reported for duty like nothing happened.
How he served his full 8 without discharge is beyond me.
I've also met some characters while in. Had a dude who would house Marlboro Reds in the field, but wouldn't touch them back home. Such an odd thing to me, considering how nobody really just smokes sometimes. You either smoke, smoke a cigarette when you're really drunk, or don't.
But yeah, I've just always drawn a distinction between drugs and alcohol, but maybe that distinction was drawn for me and I've just kept it out of habit. I don't think it's that, because I also won't go as far as to include caffeine in the discussion, but you can bet I'd house the caffeine mints.
Indonesian cigarettes actually taste good, so I actually DO smoke while I'm in Indonesia, but almost never (as in like 1 cigarette a DECADE) while in Canada
A drug but a legal drug you can buy from many stores. While stores do sell other of those kinds of drugs on occasion, they far less likely to be entirely (federally) legal.
She wanted to drink with moms, green day was a downgrade.
What’s a laminate?
A pass to get everywhere.
Oh like a laminated back stage pass. Thanks
No problem!
What's a diorama?