Cool list! I'll take a look at your list when deciding what to see next, as I generally agree with the titles I recognize.
I wish I had kept such a list over the years, it would be fun to look back to.
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Cool list! I'll take a look at your list when deciding what to see next, as I generally agree with the titles I recognize.
I wish I had kept such a list over the years, it would be fun to look back to.
Annihilation and Hereditary are way too high. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original Dawn of the Dead, and some early Cronenberg would be in my top tear. Bone Tomahawk is rad, glad that's on your list. The new Candyman is freaking great also.
Really? Love both Annihilation and Hereditary. What don’t you like about them?
I just don't think they're classics. I don't think they'll stand the test of time. Their stylistic approach will be passe in a few years.
But movies like Dawn of the Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre have this rawness that makes them feel more... Idk, scary.
Hereditary's plot was a mess. It seemed like the writers just cobbled a bunch of shorter stories together. I loved the very end even though it made no sense, but the rest of it just seemed like it kept playing the gross-out card. But it did have a good, creepy vibe.
Annihilation I liked, but NP really weighs it down. They needed a bigger personality for that role. I just don't think it will be talked about in 10 years, and we'll still be talking about Dawn of the Dead and TCM.
BTW, Annihilation is also a book, and it has two sequels. The 2nd book is mostly a bore, but the third is amazing and actually explains how the mysterious zone was created.