This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that effect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Today I'm gonna cook pork ribs in the airfryer. I'll let youse know how it turns out. 👍
No one tells you that as you get older wearing shoes with proper support will become a priority.
It all starts with comfortable underwear.
Which does not have to mean beige. Grump!!
True! But unfortunately manufacturers believe if you go for comfort then you've given up on life and don't deserve colour :(
I've always been at the comfy undies stage, my mother growing up was very serious about undies.
Haha. I was the same but I've dabbled else where. My only requirements now is clean and comfortable.
Believe it! I once put on two slightly different black flats in the dark and the tiny mismatch threw my back out for the week.
Putting out your back for weird reasons = sign of getting old
Me at hospital. Doctor asks how my latest sciatica started. Me, I rolled over in bed.
Finally got out of that fucking tutoring role! Finally no more being absolutely fleeced by a boss who pulls in 200K a year but absolutely can't give a raise in line with inflation because they don't take inflation into account.
Today is a good day, goddamn
Today I learned that my mother always thought "patio" rhymes with "ratio"... The effect of living in a country where most people live in apartments and you grow up learning a lot of words from books but not speech
I'm going to say Pay-shio from now on. It sounds better anyway.
Idk, your ratty-os might be off
At my niece's 4th birthday lunch. Thought you'd appreciate a photo of an Australian classic.
I rocked up at an adult party when I was 30+ with a plate of fairy bread as my contribution. It was a huge hit. 😃
Dumb question, but does anyone else remember the 90s being a time of feeling like there was so much potential and new shit on the horizon? Or was that just cause I was young?
I can remember the anticipation of the year 2000 and the buzz about if the computers will stop working. Everything was new then it went back to normal.
@CEOofmyhouse56 @TinyBreak I can remember working bloody long hours for >36 months to make sure they didn't stop working
Thank you
Israel is apparently using white phosphorus. Absolutely vicious weapon. They were previously denying bombing hospitals. The things they’re doing have to be war crimes.
I can’t do anything to stop it but I can be disgusted.
Ahhhhhh I need to be up in 6 hours and I can't sleep
I started trying to sleep almost 2 hours ago and it's just not working 😭 I give up until the tiredness happens
I guess tomorrow's going to be a nap in the car kind of day
Lmao just gave the cat a tin of his new food which has veggies in, dude actually sniffed it, gagged, and the cried for different food.
He really loved the fish based one yesterday, so I don't think it's a brand issue, dudes just not keen on pumpkin and peas.
Does anyone else feel like supermarket employees are on a bit of a power trip?
The patrolling of the self serve thing really gives me metro ticket inspector vibes. I'm constantly having them look over my shoulder as though I'm going to steal.
Admittedly I live in a shitty area and am a minority so maybe I get singled out but it really gets on my nerves.
I make enough that I don't need to steal food. Fuck right off.
Sorry it's been bugging me for a while now.
Tangential, but our local bunnings has gone...weird.
On the way out they check you have everything on your receipt, not that you have your receipt to prove you bought shit. Like, i literally just take my bike in with massive pannis and a basket full of crap and they go through the receipt and ask me to show each item on it to confirm i have it but don't check to see if there's anything i have that's NOT on the receipt. Wat.
I'd call it a newbie training but multiple staff have been doing it for three weeks....
Probably instructions from management, maybe certain stores have higher losses? They ones at my locals mostly just stand to the side unless they are fixing the endless self scan problems.
Not where I live. They're super nice and stand around because they're constantly needed to fix up code things or help with double scans, pick up hand baskets, things like that.
My local woolies is like that, and it’s really annoying. I have to remind myself that they’re just doing their job so I shouldn’t get pissed off
Hard rubbish all out. That's twice now a passing stranger has helped me lift the second couch back up.
Here's hoping the fossickers don't just dump it again...
Am trying this recipe:
Wish me luck!
Day 8/70: First day of week 2 weigh-in.
Down 1.8kg. I know the first couple of kilos are the easiest, but still I didn't think I'd drop that fast. I actually don't want to lose 18kg (10 weeks x 1.8kg). I'd be too skinny.
I'm going to Sydney tomorrow and I'm not sure whether I'm excited or nervous but whatever I am I can't sleep :/
What would you be nervous about?
I don't know if Lemmy comments have a character limit, but if there is, I could make a list long enough to find out what it is
I didn't grind enough coffee and I mustn't have tampered it hard enough because it barely made it into the espresso extraction range and now my coffee is a bit weak. Weak coffee isn't a good start to the day BUT I did sleep well enough to sleep through the earthquake so it's not all bad news.
I've IRL socialed enough for today. I feel like a bit of a naparoony.
I have inadvertently started collecting chickwn salts. I should start a database with notes. Best on popcorn: hoyts chicken sprinkle. Chippies: less salty than mitani, can be more liberally used. Aftertaste akin to a smiths roast chicken chippie.