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The original was posted on /r/usenet by /u/wraith5036 on 2023-08-31 15:27:44+00:00.
Just got in on the ninjacentral registration, but I'm having trouble with releases grabbed through there. I've had to disable the indexer in sonarr and radarr.
98% made it through sabnzbd just fine, the others failed post processing with a report to "see logfile" which just says 7zip exited code 2, I think due to password. (Password location is listed on NC)
The remainder of grabbed releases are failing in one way or another on sonarr/radarr, though typically it's failing to recognize the downloaded files. The downloaded and processed look to be correct and normal when I go to the sabnzbd output directory.
Also 100% of the NC releases from the internal group have failed. Only 3 movie files have made it through all the way to plex, and they don't look so good.
All other indexers have had no issue once I got this system all figured out.
-altHUB = working
-Drunkenslug = working
-matrix = working
-geek = working
-animetosho = working
-NC = >1% success
So is there some special set-up for NC that isn't explained on the site?