- refuses to purchase tools that would make job easier
- plans huge upgrade of client devices first thing Monday morning rather than Friday evening
- licenses one of the least effective security tools to save money
- forces an over-reliance on Google apps despite Drive having shit search capabilities
- makes you get A+ certified even though you’ve been in the industry for many years before allowing pursuit of higher certs
- says “happy Monday” every week as if that isn’t soul-draining
- thinks we have a great culture because we declare “beer o’clock” on a Friday every few months and end early
- talks loudly in an open office when he take phone calls
- plays shitty music when he gets control of the stereo hooked to an old computer
- mandates back to office as the pan is winding down and then let’s all of management not come to the office on the first day back
- can’t understand why this angered workers