There are rules here, but you can say fuck and also post images in the comments, which is kind of neat:
A memorial for the front page of the internet. If you have left reddit or is considering leaving then this community is for you.
There’s also a blog documenting the rise and fall of reddit as well as news and thoughts on the whole issue.
It serves as an archive for posts and topics in case reddit decides to delete anti-reddit posts within its platform.
https://byereddit.com/ <—- here it is in case you’re interested
There are rules here, but you can say fuck and also post images in the comments, which is kind of neat:
You can't post images in the comments on Reddit?
you can post links to images, but you can't post actual images AFAIK.
Came here after the moderation tool censoring of 'eat the rich' and 'Luigi'. That's some billionaire protective bs.
Came here from Reddit.
There's dozens of us!
This supply closet is getting rather crowded!
Reddit has loved that asshole forever. We forget that back in 2016 Reddit allowed a huge subreddit full of upvoting bots and trolls to post the most atrocious lies and slander and bullshit (/r/the_d**ald) on the entire site and it got so bad that it was the ONLY SUBREDDIT ON THE FIRST PAGE OF /r/all FOR AT LEAST A WEEK.
They pulled back when they saw their profits declining and the massive backlash going on but now that we're in full fascism mode, reddit is going all out again.
Fuck that place.
We should advertise lemmy more often on reddit. Lemmy and mastodon are the mother of all social media and we should all switch to it. Ditch the billionaires owned profit driven social media!
I came here when all the API drama happened, and I didn't even use third party apps, I just decided that I didn't want to help make that greedy little pig boy any money. Even still, I'm actually shocked that they've cracked down this hard. It's hard to take serious, because it seems like they would destroy their userbase with this, but they're doing it.
I came when Apollo died. Found Voyager and stayed.
I also came here when all the API drama happened. I also checked out Sqabblr, which had a different name at first. There wasn’t much here and I was confused by the fediverse. I went on Facebook and that was a hot mess of garbage.
I went back to Reddit recently and it’s noticeably worse - probably a combination of chasing away great mods and our world just being what it is makes for people being awful at each other rather than at problems.
I’ve just come back here this weekend and there seems to be more resources to help me understand the nature of the fediverse. Ideally I won’t be back to Reddit.
Sorry to ramble, hope you have a great week!
You did god's work being here this whole time. Thanks.
I finally made the jump. Hi all.
All the commenters sitting in the circle replying in a monotonous voice: Hi Blorps!
Don't forget to offer them a can of beans on their way in!
I use Arch, btw
Hey, please stick around. Do not let the small number of subscribers demoralize you. The communities are small but active.
I tried coming over during the API drama, but seems like there are way way more users here now!
Yeah, that’s what caused me to switch. I’m pretty happy without reddit. I might open it once or twice a year or when Duck Duck go sends me there for my trouble shooting question.
oh its been fun, yeah
i love seeing spez fuck himself into a corner
I don't want to see that.
i turned myself into a corner, morty
Got perma-banned from a 15 year old account for joking about Elon Musk needing to get Luigi-ed. Fuck that place. Never going back.
Similar situation here. Nice to see all the like minded folks though!
Elon needs to have a come to Luigi moment. Welcome to the free internet, sibling. Btw fyi, .world tends to be a little more aggressively moderated than some other instances like .ee; it's nowhere near Reddit, and I wouldn't even say it's problematic, but folks have taken issue with their moderation before.
It's a bit of give and take, but I doubt you'll encounter a problem. If you do, just hop servers.
And watch out for .ml of course.