Where exactly is the line between romantic and clingy?
Two Goobers — Just the Two of Us
A community for wholesome memes and pics about you and the person you care about most in the world.
Whether they be your best friend, a family member, romantic partner, or anyone else (like zucchinis!), this is the perfect place for finding and sharing memes and pics that make you feel warm inside.
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- Pics should be about two people who care about each other
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After a long day at work, I love being around my wife. That isn't all the time, but it is pretty much every day. And it's weird when we're apart.
Completely agree. My partner isn't always what I want but more often than not when you find your partner they are the ones that make you feel better after a particularly rough day
When it starts negatively affecting the quality of life of one of the involved individuals.
My view is that behaviors become clingy when they are not mutually desired by the other person. For many people, part of a relationship is the strong desire to be with that person and support them in every way possible. Personally, I want to be as close as possible to the person I love. That doesn't mean I need to be with them 24/7 though. It's perfectly normal and healthy to need regular alone time.
For some people, their relationship may be less physically close. That's perfectly fine too. Loving someone, (romantically or not), is about finding how you connect best.