Come to me Galaxy Cat
A community for sharing and discussing art, aesthetics, and music relating to '80s, '90s, and '00s retro microgenres and also art in general now!
Some cool genres and aesthetics include:
- outrun
- vaporwave
- mallsoft
- future funk
- city pop
- synthwave
- laborwave
If you are unsure if a piece of media is on theme for this community, you can make a post asking if it fits. Discussion posts are encouraged, and particularly interesting topics will get pinned periodically.
No links to a store page or advertising. Links to bandcamps, soundclouds, playlists, etc are fine.
This would look sick on the side of a van
Why is this tagged as NSFW? This shows less than you can see on the beach, at a pool or on free to air television.
Or are we now self censoring in anticipation of the morality police?
IDK I thought someone might want it.
I understand. Consider why you thought someone might want it. It's important. It's what makes us as a society.
How about you actually say what you mean instead of speaking in riddles?
Censorship is bad for a Free Society. Self Censorship is worse. Here's the first four DDG results on the subject.
Heinlein said this on the topic of censorship:
"The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak."
You're hilarious, please keep going!