Did He-Man accidentally lapse into the public domain or something? I swear I've seen like five different "Masters of the Universe" reboots with five different subtitles in as many years and I gotta assume Mattel just left the film rights outside on the porch in a bowl that says "Take One" like it's Halloween candy. Feels like there's as many He-Men out there now as Spider-Men. Which is to say, I'm looking forward to seeing how they tie them all together in He-Man: Into the Masters of the Universe-verse.
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2024 discussion threads
Who's playing Skeletor? That is relevant.
I will accept nothing short of Willem Dafoe.
I might actually care if that happens.
Jack Black
I hear he's going to sing a song confessing his love for Tila
Andy Serkis
I just need to know who’s playing Fisto
John Cena would be funny as Fisto. Lol
Oh man, that’d be great!
Is Dave Bautista gonna be Ram Man?
That picture was really confusing for a few seconds. I thought the dude has tiny arms
I was interested until I learnt that the story is going to involve young Adam crashing on Earth and spending the next 20 years there. Don't. For fuck's sake.
I like it. Dolph and Frank better get a cameo, too.