Can we kick up the 4d3d3d3?
this post was submitted on 10 Oct 2024
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Can I get a printout of Oyster smiling?
Could I get a nude Tayne?
Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
Having the 10-key on the wrong side was bothering me. I fixed it:
It was the British style
He kind of looks like a cross between Stephen Colbert and Kyle McLachlan lol
And Link Neal
This is from the promo for a three hour long noir duo dance number where the villain, Colbert, is pursued by the investigator, Maclachlan
This baby can render 3, count em, THREE simultaneous multi color point clouds!
slaps monitor
Dude has basket.
‘What does your dad do?’
I swear Mitch Murder used this for an album cover.