I got that exact one about 6 weeks ago and I reported it. Shame they haven't fixed it yet 😐
Japanese Language
ようこそJapaneseLanguageへ! 日本語に興味を持てば、どうぞ登録して勉強しましょう!日本語に関係するどのテーマ、質問でも大歓迎します。 This is a community dedicated to the Japanese language. Feel free to come in and ask questions or post your thoughts and opinions about this beautiful language.
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Remember that you can add furigana to your posts by writing ~{KANJI|FURIGANA}~ like:
~{漢字|かんじ}~ which comes out as:
You can flag it and say that your answer should be accepted.
yeah, i've done it too
Using contextual clues, this person's 😏 face tells you they are messing with you.
Duo seems like they're churning out AI slop these days, so annoying to have gotten that wrong!
I'm not learning Japanese (here from /all), but just to pile on the owl, I am still super salty they removed the community comments. I'm learning Hawaiian, and there just aren't a lot of other learning resources. Having actual kumus (ʻŌlelo (Hawaiian language) teachers) answering questions about WHY the answer is what it is was super duper helpful.
I'm still salty they removed offline mode
Como se dice "enshittification?"
How do you get the letters to show up without English above? I've been trying to get mine to do that.
you can switch it off in options (the cogwheel in top left)
After 1 or 2 modules it happens automatically.
They'll randomly return later if you use the browser version.
I like anki for vocabulary. What else is there, software wise?
Yeah, I gave up on Duolingo. I joined a Japanese-English Discord server and feel like my actual conversation skills have gone way up. I'm happy to share the invite link, but I don't want to seem spammy, so I'll post it if anyone requests.
I'd like a link.
That's why I really don't recommend Duolingo to anyone. It feels like they google translate solution. My favorite example against Duolingo: 「私はりんごです」 was translated to: "I'm an apple." Which technically isn't incorrect but it's ridiculous and they probably ment to put it like in an answer to a question. "What fruit do you like?" - "As for me an apple"
Btw why is there so much hiragana in this sentence? I understand they try to make it easy for beginners but seriously it's almost hard to read not to mention it can create bad habits.
I always speak German and Korean with my miso pork cutlet.
Yeah, I always wondered if you need to list items backwards when translating because of things like this.