That would be a funny videogame. Air combat but it has to all be melee combat.
Someone at the translation department really messed up when they named their product Kin Grinder.
That's what I'm saying it's one of the best uses for AI we have and one of the most long-lasting.
What is Luigi (or the wiggler?) saying? Kakeyorimashita? Google doesn't return anything for kakeyorimasu.
???? Wasn't Wolfram alpha one of the first publicly available programs on the Internet using "AI"????
Yeah I think based on how stories work there's definitely going to be a pretty major twist. If there's not that would suck but so much of the story is being telegraphed and I think the quality of the writing so far has proven that the show runners probably know that. If it's the same team that brought as scavenger's reign then I have faith right now.
Sure, I'm just saying If you want a version of "authentic" native American food a lot of what we call Mexican food is alive and well in the modern day. I'm sure cornmeal was a staple of a lot of the US before modern borders and we categorized it as central American food.
Things we would call "Mexican" food are indigenous food. Mole, empanadas, certain types of salsa. We just call it something else. I mean, they had corn and tomatoes all the way up most of the U.S.
That's my point. That program is even more esoteric than Lemmy and Lemmy already would not be a large enough platform to do anything with. Even if people might agree if you laid out a long list of arguments for the movement, you couldn't get it in front of enough eyes because you're not allowed to post it to Facebook or Twitter or YouTube.
This show has a lot going against it imo.
A plot that's straight out of a highschool dropout's mushroom-fueld fantasy (complete with the self-insert).
Characters that are based on vague ideas or one-off jokes
Good animation, but a weird lazy-feeling character visual design.
BUT despite that, the show knows exactly what it's doing and so far everything comes together seamlessly. The writing is tight, quick, and funny and there really has not been a missed story beat so far.
I only bike commando.
I'm wanted in two states for public indecency.
Maybe just a silly name referencing him "breaking" into places? It's probably just the first thing that came to their head that's better than "test_test2_final_3_finaltest"