Big fan of all three of these. Can't wait to get my hands on them
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That hunter armor looks like they were playing smash bros and got hit by a flower. Still really cool lookin tho.
looks super cool. felt the same way about s21 but still couldn’t bring myself to finish the pass for it though :(
I'm Groot
They were not joking when they said they were focusing more on seasonal/endgame armours!
Love this a lot, but can't help but feel they held back a little on the Warlock set? It looks a little plain, comparatively.
You could already tell with Root of Nightmares and Ghosts of the Deep looking back, but this armor just confirms that focus. I love this direction so much! I also agree with the Warlock, though we'll just have to wait and see in-game. I'm hoping this angle just doesn't show it off that much, and I hope it's got some good flower action going on.
yerba mate
I want those flowers sticking out of my shoulders so bad, but I honestly can’t tell which class each of these are for…
Warlock, Titan, Hunter from left to right.
Thick bony thighs save Hives
I am not a fan of the hunter space plant mullet, not going to lie.