Fuck Tierra del Fuego, I guess.
Dad Jokes
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Maybe UK did some recent expansion we don't know about.
Good ol Chile adding Argentine territories to their maps as usual.
Only works if you mispronounce Chile...
It's not wrong though..
I’m assuming these temperatures are in Fahrenheit since the wind speeds are in miles per hour?
They sure are.
Isn't it their winter though right now?
It is. And as the joke goes, it's also quite chilly there at the moment as well.
I know a bunch of people that are not geographically minded who think that the entirety of central and south america are nothing but tropical jungles and always hot.
That's fair. 10 degrees during winter is warm from my POV though! Shorts weather.
Let me screenshot wikipedia for you. Or would you like it from a weather app in kelvin?
But chiles are hot!
This one is terrible. Upvoted.
It's so cold, Bolivia and Brazil have shrinkage...
Don't they have winter right now?
i am in brazil and can confirm it is winter. here the weather is very cold (20°C or 68°F)
Wouldn’t that make it a little icee hot?
Well done. You actually got a groan out of me. =)