There are way too many people who are deeply convinced that Trump is sent from the christian God and will save the US-american people from evil.
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If the Bible is to be believed, trump is the anti-Christ.
Which to Christians means the rapture should be coming soon so either way they're alright with it.
That's the part that I'm actually worried about, Christians who are actively seeking to end the fucking world. They want political violence, civil unrest and war in the middle east. It's so fucked.
If they're wrong, then all that doomsday prepping was just a malignant wet dream 😦
They want political violence, civil unrest and war in the middle east.
Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Jesus born somewhere in West Asia?
depends on who you ask.
there's solid reason to doubt the biblical narrative, though. the simple answer is "we don't know, precisely".
There is more evidence to support the physical person of Gilgamesh (the epic of whom was stolen almost word for word to create the Torah) than that of a man called Jesus the Christ. Ie contemporary references, records, documents. Not written 30 -400 years after death.
There’s really no historical proof, outside biblical accounts.
But that doesn’t really mean there’s a need to dismiss it out of hand. There probably was a Jewish mystic faith healer named Jesus (or whatever,); who was executed by the Roman’s for stirring the shit.
There were in fact, a lot of them. (John the Baptist comes to mind,)
Further, his name (and his father’s,) were. Both extremely common. it’s reasonable to assume at least a few were in fact named Jesus, son of Joseph, and apparently from Nazareth.
Together it’s actually not that unlikely. Though he would have had more in common with the sleaziest televangelist faithhealer you can imagine. Joel Osteen, perhaps.
One historical interpretation of the character known as Jesus is the same as the character known as Robin Hood: a collection of folk tales and exaggerations about a handful of people who lived over the course of a century, later attributed all to one person.
I mean, I just assume he was a grifter whose disciples kept on grifting after he died. It should be noted that the earliest anything was written about him specifically was about fifty years after he supposedly died. Which is why there's a lot of retconning going on between the various accounts.
Either way, we know there were a lot of mystics in the area and time in question, and leading up to that, it was the jewish leadership's MO to just knife them and leave their bodies in a ditch somewhere. Which. Romans kinda took issue to that. They don't like incidental and unofficial killings. (and the leaving the bodies in the ditch... untidy!)
So, the jewish leadership had to get "creative" and convince the roman goverment he was a really bad dude. Which. He then started on about being "king of the jews" and that... well... Rome takes issue with rebellion. Totally reasonable to imagine that all happened. What happened next... not so much. but then, he was a grifter and his disciples learned the grift,
This hasn't been updated since before the 2020 election, but it's a hell of a ride....
Reminds me of a time I had dinner at a girl's house and she insisted on only using Styrofoam plates because the faster we destroy the planet the faster Jesus will come back to save us. I was speechless.
I have to believe she just didn't want to wash any dishes and, like most Christians, was using religion as an excuse to be a bad person.
Ah, so they’ll be leaving soon! Gotta find those silver linings.
contemporary readers would have understood every anti-christ reference to have meant somebody they'd know and hate.
The antichrist of revelation was understood to be Nero, for example, where Daniel would have been talking about babylon. Remember: we're not the target audience. The target audience was the original audience contemporary to the author. the eschatology of Revelation has already been seen to happen. The world didn't end. the book is wrong. (Insert "it was all allegory anyway" here.)
Here's a fun read!
Bible: For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
MAGA: But what if we tried. Really tried!?
OMG thank you! I have been desperately searching for this for 3 days. I could not find it in google. Holy shit, thank you!
Nah, that was Clinton...per my Maga grandmother during the Clinton administration.
And others who firmly believe he IS the Antichrist and want to get him in power to hasten the return of Christ.
America is a lunatic asylum.
That angel is clearly pushing the bullet to the right. If only she pushed just a little harder.
Really? Because to me she seems to be giving the shooter the bird with her creepy AI finger.
Maybe he's tired of watching us fuck up beyond all belief and just wants to fast forward to the end.
"Why don't they understand, he IS the plague"
You mean cessation of lower entropy?
Revelation 13:3
3 One of its heads seemed to have received a death blow, but its fatal wound had been healed. In amazement the whole earth followed the beast.
Funny thing about scripture and prophecy, no?
It's all a bunch of hooey and infinitely applicable to many situations throughout history and is predicated on the perspective of the reader. I simply posted it since I hate when people post chapter and verse without actual reference.
By the way, that excerpt is from the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition.
Well, that should be reassuring to those who need it, then. The wound was neither fatal nor healed.
Not that a candidate bearing multiple points of uncanny RESEMBLANCE to what the Bible says the Church should WATCH OUT FOR in the personage of the antichrist so that they don't accidentally end up following him because they were among the deceived has managed to stop many of them so far, but hey, if it avoids water like a duck with late stage rabies, we should put it on the lifeguard stand.
Or that he got Covid and was miraculously healed. Reports were that he got really sick. They loaded him up with a lot of steroids that have a side effect of "dilutions of grandure"
Anyway, I replied with this link above. This hasn't been updated since before the 2020 election, but it's a wild ride....
That works too.
Go read 13:5… even more creepy.
I've read them all. I used to be one of the leaders. Such a long time ago.
I was downvoted to -19 on news for the same verse. Lol.
I followed that rabbit-trail because, why the fuck not.
Imma agree with that one person, it was kinda aneurism posting. Maybe it was just the structure of the post felt unhinged.
Anyways imma also agree with the underlying idea that, yes, theocratic fascism loves that kinda shit. Solidarity.
Prophecy is intentionally vague and the reason it endures so well is because it can apply to such a broad amount of topics...
HOWEVER, we've had a shit load of things that match up with prophecies too fucking close in the past few years. There's a part of my brain that was joking at first, but now is wondering if this really is the end times.
And the Lord said, fear not thy enemies, for in the moment your sin is the greatest I shall turn the sword off the righteous and you will endure to sin again.
Maybe this was just The Rapture.