It is best to avoid Telegram for any purpose.
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
Best place for XMR trading is AgoraDesk/LocalMonero
Right. But Agoradesk/LocalMonero uses Telegram for their customer support because they and their customers are ignorant of the concepts in this video
Localmonero uses matrix too for those who want it
Unfortunately, many cash by mail Monero sellers leave their contact info as a telegram address on their intro page. I wish they would all have to leave an protonmail email address or some other way to contact them using Tor.
Simplex is doing good things nowadays. Here is a monero group that I created in order to test it. Feel free to join in and test simplex:
Just joined it as well.. will promote on social media if that's OK? On my xmr people;)
Feel free the share the group join link far and wide. As far as I am concerned, the more Monero enthusiasts in there, the better.
Cool, git two in today.. will push a little. So far, I like the chat app and the group ;)
I'm already in the group, it's great! SimpleX is private in a very unique way
Then avoid X, Reddit or Discord. You need to be in different channels to teach and trade with people about Monero.
Ah, Telegram: where end-to-end encryption is a "special feature" for secret chats and not the standard for all. How... private.