this post was submitted on 15 May 2024
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Why is it a terrible recommendation for a basic chat user? If by "basic chat" you mean SMS or iMessage, it is strictly superior
Sync, system support, hoops to jump through, potential loss of chat history, unreliability, lack of account based sign up (until recently?). So many reasons to not recommend it for people. To clarify though, SMS and iMessage are both so terrible I don't consider them "options". They're defaults for people who have no interest in security or interoperability, which are both major important parts of a chat system imo.
Works fine for me.
Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, what more do you want?
What hoops? I typed in my phone number and was good to go.
You said that already. If the worst thing you can say about the messenger is that it doesn't sync chat history to new devices, it's probably a decent messenger.
Genuinely what?
Like I said, if were comparing it to messengers people are already using, like iMessage or RCM, this is a nonissue.
Sync: No it does not. Do not lie. They don't support it, it will deliver the message to multiple endpoints, but that is not sync.
System support: The clients for desktop for signal are feature lacking trash. I want all platforms to be first class citizens and it's VERY clear they are not.
Hoops: Bullshit bro. Bullshit. You might glance over all the steps but that doesn't mean they're not there.
Chat history: If I can say at all that it loses my fuckin chats, that's a shit fucking chat application. I have plenty more trash to talk if ya need it though because that app is hot fucking garbage.
Unreliability: If you spent even a fraction of a minute googling it, you'd see that a lack of notification delivery and other bugs are extremely common. I've experienced them. It's great you've had a happy go lucky time, but your experience isn't the end all be all.
Lack of account based sign up: Literally a massive issue and you're just dismissing it because it doesn't affect you. Goodluck getting anyone to hop on board your software preference train with that kind of attitude.