this post was submitted on 15 May 2024
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"For the fur in u"
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- Post formatting — All titles should be a single word, followed by _irl. An emoji may substitute the underscore.
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- Stay on topic — Images should contain or be related to furries. Images should be relatable or a meme. This isn't the place for general art posts.
- Avoid AI images — Our fandom has countless artists, please share their (or your own) labors of love instead.
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Sync: No it does not. Do not lie. They don't support it, it will deliver the message to multiple endpoints, but that is not sync.
System support: The clients for desktop for signal are feature lacking trash. I want all platforms to be first class citizens and it's VERY clear they are not.
Hoops: Bullshit bro. Bullshit. You might glance over all the steps but that doesn't mean they're not there.
Chat history: If I can say at all that it loses my fuckin chats, that's a shit fucking chat application. I have plenty more trash to talk if ya need it though because that app is hot fucking garbage.
Unreliability: If you spent even a fraction of a minute googling it, you'd see that a lack of notification delivery and other bugs are extremely common. I've experienced them. It's great you've had a happy go lucky time, but your experience isn't the end all be all.
Lack of account based sign up: Literally a massive issue and you're just dismissing it because it doesn't affect you. Goodluck getting anyone to hop on board your software preference train with that kind of attitude.