Leftist News and Current Events?
2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)
I've been meaning to ask this question: What news sites, blogs, and journalists do you follow for news and current events?
Maybe we'll set up a repository somewhere for people to reference, that can be updated over time as people and publications become more or less relevant/reliable.
-- EDIT: --
From the responses:
- English
- www.liberationnews.org
- www.fightbacknews.org
- breakthroughnews.org
- monthlyreview.org
- covertactionmagazine.com
- www.mintpressnews.com
- www.workers.org
- www.nakedcapitalism.com
- wallstreetonparade.com
- https://www.youtube.com/@firstthoughtnews
- www.democracynow.org
- Non-English
- www.abrilabril.pt, in Portuguese
- RSS: None
- www.jungewelt.de, in German
- RSS: Lots.... go to https://rss-finder.rook1e.com/ and search the URL
- www.telesurtv.net / www.telesurenglish.net, in both Spanish and English
- RSS: None
- www.almayadeen.net, in Arabic
- RSS: None
- www.qudsn.co, in Arabic
- RSS: (all) https://qudsn.co/rss/category/all
- www.plenglish.com, multilingual
- haitiliberte.com, multilingual
- RSS: None
- www.abrilabril.pt, in Portuguese
- China
I will second Geopolitical Economy Report (formerly Multipolarista,) especially the YouTube channel, which I think is also available as a podcast. Also First Thought and Breakthrough News, and their YouTube channel. These are great for current events, First Thought as a quick update on a lot of events, Geopolitical Economy Report and Breakthrough News for deeper analysis of specific stories.
For news related specifically to China I use the Dongsheng News Collective, YouTube channel here, as well as Friends of Socialist China.