this post was submitted on 19 Jul 2023
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Thank you! So far, nano is the one that I find most appealing, and I have tested it in practice and it works very well! A worry I have with it is that it appears like the long-term success of the project depends largely on the few people who run the Nano Foundation. But it aligns well with what I want, and it is much more environmentally friendly than proof-of-work systems, so it is my top choice at the moment. But it has been a few years since I have looked at the coins, and I see that there are over 22,000 now! So if there are other more recent projects similar to nano I'd like to learn about them. Something similar nano but more community-driven, like Monero, would be ideal.
I haven't used Dash, so I will get some and test out how it works in practice.
I'll look to see if I can find anything but I sadly dont think it exists.
Thanks! I'll also keep looking. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there is... Most of the crypto projects appear to use an incentive structure for hosting network nodes that requires fees, and so you can't just send crypto around like cash. The incentive structure of the nano network is similar to that of the fediverse - people run nodes because they are interested in the success of the project itself. Unfortunately it seems like this is not a good enough incentive incentive for many. And the fact that at the head of the nano project there is a not-fully-transparent "Nano Foundation" rather than it being a community project makes me hesitant of running a node... It feels like doing work for free for a company. But I think I will set up a node anyway, at least until I find a better alternative.