So what did you dorks achieve? Ukrainian genocide and the destruction of the us economy? Good job.
I’ve heard very little about the Ukrainian genocide. Oddly these people so upset about Gaza never noticed that Trump would eagerly enable Russia to “finish the job”, as Trump said about Gaza.
Trump is talking about seizing Gaza and make it into resorts and we still get “JORR BIDEN”.
I wonder why we don’t hear “genocide don”? People wouldn’t shut the fuck up for like a year with the “genocide Joe” shit.
I tried explaining what you’re saying to those people dozens of times - Trump would be same or worse in Gaza, this is not the election to “teach the dems a lesson” with, and Trump will be far worse on a dozen other very important issues. Barely got one reasonable response, usually just “so you love gennercide!!” Either shills for Trump or very stupid.
I have no idea what time that is and I figure I will probably be sleeping
The invasion aspect is with taking seriously. Also, Trump/Putin want the US to withdraw from NATO, but that's an aside. My point is that the media, pundits, social media personalities are talking as if it's a reasonable concept, military invasion aside. It's about like some guy walks up to a married woman and says "hey we're going to have sex tonight!" and she's like "wtf? absolutely not, no, get the hell away from me" and then a bunch of people start discussing what kind of sex they're going to have and if it will be good or not.
I think they meant being served half an avocado on a restaurant dish. Your plate comes out, there's half a sliced avocado on top of your enchiladas... then you scan the room, thinking "who here has the other half of my avocado?"
It's puzzling why the printer industry has to be so abusive and has always been customer hostile. I mean, it's nothing new, printer companies have been awful since at least the 70s... printer problems are what inspired Stallman to start GNU after all. Are there any printer companies not like this? Is Brother still decent?
Wasn't there a post on here not long ago with someone thinking the same thing about getting half an avocado? Like "woah someone else is eating the same avocado as me". This also applies to say, cows. Pretty rare to eat one single cow yourself.
If you get the more expensive brands or varieties it's more likely to be solid pieces vs a slurry.
They'd still be up in Canada though so I don't see how that aspect would affect me. They'd never let Canadians have full voting rights, of course, since that would mean Republicans would have to cheat way harder to win.
Also, it's hard to believe how this inane idea popped up out of nowhere last month and so many people act like it's a serious thing. Trump threatening Canada is serious, I guess. But the idea is so out of left field and basically incredibly dumb. That hasn't stopped thousands of people and the media acting like it's totally normal. There's absolutely no indication the vast majority of Canadians would want this at all. Ah well, trump was never one to care about consent.
Same here. I have never owned and NES. We went Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, Amiga, Sega Genesis, Saturn, PC, Dreamcast, GameCube and Playstation 2. (I wasn’t a kid by the last few of course). I’ve played some Nintendo console games in emulation but have never owned one aside from the GameCube. And agreed, Phantasy Star is awesome.