Probably for the better. It's a genuine sentiment in the united states. Homelessness isn't caused by circumstance. It's caused by sin. You deserve to be punished or will be cleased of your sin.
The other predominent philosophy is more capitalistic. Ignore the person entiry. I got mine, you get yours.
The homeless have created their own problem through their flaw in moral character. They will be saved if they return to the fold and accept our god into their lives. Otherwise the punishment from the police will force them off the path to eternal damnation. We do it for their own good.
That's what really sells it. How low effort are we going to go?
Listening is not reading. If you disagree, try this. Start your favorite audiobook where you left off. Now, go back two chapters and "read" the second sentence of the fifth paragraph. Do it by feel because you've listened to it before.
I told my students to go flux themselves today
They dull knives
Think he our savior? Make him a crown of thorns
"Downloading chrome will improve the performance of this site"
What the fuck is this 2009?
At what point can/will people just say no. Come down here and purge these documents yourself. Shitbags have refused marriage licenses to gay couples. Why should this be any different.
There's a saying some of our american comrads have: come and take it