What are folks thinking/feeling about the upcoming updates?
I hadn't been planning on rolling up any new characters anytime soon (have way too many alts already!), but the concept art for the River Hobbits sure does look cute...
But I'm more interested in the coming crafting changes, personally. Really hoping for the ability to customise and/or add crafting skills outside of the fixed current professions.
Also cautiously hopeful about the lag fixes seemingly coming this week?! Most of the time lag is a minor irritation rather than a huge issue for me, but around festival time? Especially right now, in Minas Tirith (Midsummer)? Ugh...
I'm no artist, and I doubt my few screenshots would be of interest, given:
But I'm curious, why the emphasis on weird? What's wrong with a simple N7 or a classy shot of the Normandy?
Also, in more practical terms - what dimensions does a banner need to be?