Yes. After clocking up 10,000 hours on Civ VI. Civ VII can take my money!
Can a Sydneysider shed some light on this? Is there a strong anti-sematic feeling there and also why express it through graffiti and vandalism?
Maybe they just don't like the name Bruce, maybe they didn't like the person Bruce was and actually likes Caitlyn.
For us Aussies, I dip my cheezels in Greek yoghurt. Best to use chop sticks so your fingers don't get messy.
Except she will be banned from ever returning to Ausyralia after the remaining 4 months of her incarceration.
The checkout staff at my local Aldi are so fast I swear they are super human or on meth ( i mean it is Perth). Colesworth on the other hand are slow.
So I worked at Bunnings and you're right and wrong.
It is now rolled out to all Bunnings stores. So now when you steal something they don't apprehend you, they store the footage and once you steal enough to get the cops involved they dump all that footage on the cops desk. People think they get away with stealing, time says otherwise.
Imagine if seeing a sex worker wasn't negatively stigmatised. It would help a lot of people blow off steam I a safe healthy environment. Less aggression, less crimes etc
Brush whilst the water is heating up means you're doing your bit to help the environment! And other such half truths I tell myself to get through the day.
Well... I will admit a lot of those hours were from falling asleep with the game running.