If they brought out new features and charged for those I think most would understand. However since the V2 they basically done nothing in R&D. That's 6-7 years ago.
It's called empathy. Their words and actions obviously have an effect on you, so it shouldn't be surprising that the opposite is true as well. Reading people and their moods inform this and help you predict how they might react in the moment.
I suspect most of what you're talking about is about timing. Taking a jovial mood and injecting serious topics without warning will piss people off. You're killing the mood. "Don't be so negative" sounds to me like you're not reading the room. Let people enjoy those times. If you need to raise a serious subject with someone - a deft "now's not the time, but I'd like to talk about something" allows them to finish up, switch gears, and then have a more serious discussion.
The same goes the other way. Injecting jokes in a serious discussion can cause problems too.
The whole thing is like merging into traffic. You have to match the pace of the traffic flow. Too fast or too slow causes pile-ups.
I can be like this sometimes, but I normally try to let people know that the dogs are whirring.
- Hmm, good question...let me think...
- How can I put this?
- What's the phrase I'm looking for?
I'll especially do this if I'm speaking to people whose first language is something else, as I'll want to answer the question without resorting to idioms or slang. No point telling a Frenchman that the situation is a bit of a dog and pony show.
What do you suggest instead? Cloudfare? Google? DNS is all far too centralised these days.
I'd rather they found a business model that made them stable, rather than exploiting their current customers. Fact is, if they go bust then there's à bunch of people left high and dry.
Absolutely. Clear price signage should be mandated, just as it is for fuel along with the calibration of energy measuring equipment to within a certain tolerance (again like fuel pumps).
I don't want price totems in all situations, but clear signage and a price I can read before I get out of the car. Not buried in an app. Not on the screen after you've started charging. Not in tiny text that's unreadable.
They also don't tell you how much money they're going to reserve on your card.
This is the important graph from the Carbon budget presentation. The difference between USA and China is about 1.5 Billion tons of CO2.
That news story on the US military cites a report with this graph in it. The total emission of the whole DoD is 60 million tons of CO2.
It doesn't make a dent.
Geekbench 🙄 the staple of GPU benchmarks.
- Where in the world it is deployed doesn't matter. It would still be US emissions.
- You were saying it wasn't an apples to apples comparison. How we correct the two sides of the equation shouldn't really matter.
- I'm going to need evidence that the our world in data plots don't include the US military anyway.
- The vast majority of global CO2 emissions are coal. I'm not aware of coal power being used much in the military.
In the next year or two China will take second place for total historic CO2 emissions, taking that place over from Europe. It's emissions per capital overtook Europe several years ago and it has 6x the people. If the rest of the world hits zero tomorrow, Chinas emissions are still too high.
You're not convincing me. Sorry.
2 NATOs 1 Cup
Why is the image on this story a paedobear?