Rachel maddow? Keith olberman? Hillary Clinton?
this impugning of wikipedia is intellectually dishonest and lazy, to boot. reading the entry this user posted will give you an understanding of the conspiracy theory that he is pigeonholing with the accusation of genocide. one of them has merit, and the fact that both of them have explanatory articles in an encyclopedia does not undermine the content of either of those articles. i encourage everyone to read the reptillian article first, to establish an understanding of the editorial standards at wikipedia. doing so will give you a good grasp of how to approach the article linked by index@shitjustworks
!remindme 6 years
But he’s not, and we’ve proven that here today.
nothing of the sort has been proven. in fact, the preponderance of evidence is that he is complicit
methinks the lady doth protest too much
I’m blocking you now
i've heard that one before
calling me a troll doesnt change that joe is enabling a genocide
I am going to ignore you:
thank god
what account do you think was banned that i am an alt of?
it's even worse if it's GCHQ gathering it and then just handing it over to the CIA, where the cia gathering it themselves would be illegal, but they use treaties and diplomacy as loopholes to subvert our actual legal protections.