Maybe author of the sentence was looking at horses in space and wikipedia is completly wrong.
Plot twist, Uncle David is making the picture while eating pudding with Uncle David and his husband Uncle David.
What's real life ?
If it's spining clockwise, close eyes, then slowly open left eye with rapidly blinking, starts spinning anti clockwise.
There is no difference in core of those services, all of them are visual interfaces for file versioning software called git. You can easily use git without any of these services. If you're starting to explore those technologies I personally recommend getting used to git and ssh. You can read more here on how to use git and ssh
- Github was initially written in ruby.
- The difference is memory usage, complexity of depoyment, compatibility with github features, maintenence and community support.
- Self hosting depends on various factors like usage preferences, number of users, business requirements, budget, hosting machine processing power, and amount of time you want to spend for maintenence and learning the platform.
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The one with warm weather.
Looks like they've seen different things.
I see they smoked to much Majorana.
That's why I only read manuscripts. Don't trust machines. F*cuk Gutenberg
What if Darth Vader and Padmé are brother and sister from two mothers but same father ?