What makes you think they haven't?
Shrug, it's entirely possible that they have. But if they're not providing encryption any more, then they're definitely not backdooring the encryption that they're not providing to the people they're not providing it to. Either way, the result is the same: in the UK especially, iCloud is not a safe place to store your sensitive information, so privacy-conscious users need to look elsewhere.
We don't care if you work for apple marketing. This is the internet, you could be Tim Apple himself, who knows, we can't verify neither. But It sure feels deflecting first like this is used a lot on negative news about big tech, like a PR company is at work.
I didn't even know marketing was on the table. All I meant was that I'm not an Apple user or fan, but as long as we're being candid about what things we don't care about, I don't give a fuck about your conspiracy theories. Don't worry, the boss says it's OK to swear.
Donkey Kong 64 has a widescreen toggle in the options which I don't think you're using. This looks like 4:3 stretched to 16:9, you'll have a better time with real widescreen.
Rare were pretty good about this, after the first few games (Blast Corps, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie?) they started putting widescreen support in most of their N64 releases.