If EFF always says your browser has a unique fingerprint then that means the anti-fingerprinting is working, no?
I have to ask: are you just ignorant of the position of the anti -Biden crowd, or are you intentionally misconstruing it as them preferring Trump over Biden?
I think you might care about this a touch too much
VS Code is written with performance in mind. Compared with other electron apps, it's very performant.
Compared with even a sloppily written native app though, it's not great.
Emperor's New Clothes levels of straight face-edness required
Heavy metals that will be absorbed into your skin over a long enough time frame, gradually giving you the sub-dermal armor augmentation from Deus Ex
Git was built specifically to avoid the necessity to have one authoritative server.
A distributed pseudonymous ledger for use by a centralised authority that will hold sensitive, personal information.
I think the paper was right.
You aren't the daily telegraph
You don't get to care about it selectively only after it harms your favourite team
What paper is this from? Bet it's the fucking daily telegraph.
Election system is absolutely fine and has been for years until reform eats dirt, then suddenly it's in dire need of reform.
If you think the only reason people would be against Biden running at this point is because they're secret Republican shills, I genuinely think you may need to spend more time offline.