Danke für die feinere Aufgliedering :) Das macht es tatsächlich etwas weniger deprimierend
Yeah, i have yet to see any actually good arguments for all this unification and merging talk. Do people just have some OCD stuff going or are there any real problems with the way it is right now?
Its almost zero effort to just follow multiple communities for the same stuff and there are clients that automatically hide crossposts if that annoys people.
His "audiophile" colleagues would also murder him for plugging them into a 20 cent onboard DAC chip and still calling it an audiophile setup
Yeah good gloves are for sure a must in the winter. The upside is that you have less bugs around when its cold :)
Oooof AfD stärker bei den Jungen als bei den Alten, das is schmerzhaft.
Found a slightly less compression crushed version
Thanks i will try it out later :)
It might act like a giant heatsink tho, making your body cool out as soon as it starts melting and creating proper surface contact. But chilling in 20°C water is also not really an issue so i guess it depends on the thermal conductivity of the skin/gallium interface.
Its also just a bunch of thin layers of wood glued together, so recyclable is also kinda bullshit. Stronger that carbon fiber is also questionable. Garbage article in general, it doesnt touch on any of these points.
Have Putin or Netanyahu been to the EU since they had ICC arrest warrants issued for them? No they have not. Whats your point?
The US is irrelevant in that regard, they have never honored the ICC. But the US cant survive alone if they sever all connections to the rest of the western world.
In Freiburg gibt es tacker.fr für genau diesen zweck. Die haben auch einen RSS feed und den kann man mit nem gescheiten RSS reader nach keywords filtern wie "Demonstration".
Also dachte ich "Mal schauen ob die infos für andere Städte haben" und schau an https://tacker.fr/anderswo
Für Berlin haben die diese seite hier gelistet https://stressfaktor.squat.net/termine/alle
Da kann man rechts bei Kategorien auch nach "Protest" filtern, RSS feed scheinen sie aber keinen aktiven zu haben.