
joined 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 31 minutes ago (1 children)

So I accidentally disabled the UserJS toggle, and now I can't interact with the UI at all to re-enable it. Any ideas how I can fix that in the configuration files?

[–] 8 points 55 minutes ago* (last edited 54 minutes ago)

Appreciate it. I wish it was a tin-foil conspiracy; the reality is much more grim. We want this, apparently.

[–] 6 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (3 children)

It's way too early to put on a tin foil hat — and I know nothing about the German election to base this on — but given Trump's comments about Musk potentially helping him commit voter fraud in the USA, paired with Elon's constant meddling in Germany lately, is it too far to suggest that there may be enough evidence to consider that Elon may have meddled in the German election?

I see a lot of people blaming Americans for voting in a fascist, and sure, a lot definitely did; but enough doubt has been sewn for me that I'm not even certain that they did vote Donald Trump in

[–] 4 points 1 hour ago

Ugh this takes me back to my electrician days: trying to splice these fuckers in a dark, hot attic, with only a blue-hued headlamp to help you piece out what color everything actually was. Good times.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Man I miss my Sony Ericsson. Phones used to be unique

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

I can't entirely recall the precise details now, but I was trying to uninstall Nvidia and Mesa packages to fix some driver issues. Some mesa-related packages were remaining, and I couldn't figure out why, so I manually typed their names in and purged them, then proceeded to watch python, the desktop environment — everything — all uninstall haha.

[–] 59 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (4 children)

Sex with a hella sexy robot? Nice.

Using a hella sexy robot to fill the emptiness of no intimacy or authentic mutual connection? Not nice.

For some reason sex with a robot doesn't feel gross to me — until they start using it to fill a hole (hehe)

[–] 34 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (3 children)

I will never forgive Microsoft for just straight up deleting everyone's (mine) MineCraft purchases and accounts, and then having the gall to tell us to buy it again. It's still in my Microsoft Store purchase history, for Christ's sake.

I'd sooner buy Skyrim 4 more times than buy back what was stolen from me.

[–] 8 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (4 children)

Definitely. Quite a few are obvious, most are not so obvious because MAGATs sound like broken records anyway; but some are very clearly humans, die hard MAGATs, who are feeling betrayed right now by Trump's antics and the state of the country. Never thought I'd see the day.

Either that, or everyone is a bot and nothing is real anymore (also likely?)

[–] 3 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (4 children)

Through the release of the first iPhone to the mid 2010s I'd wager that most consumers agreed that iPhones were superior to Android by most metrics: they featured more support across the board, had more apps, looked nicer, and were considered the premium. Apple pioneered the modern smartphone and had a headstart in getting users hooked into their ecosystem. Nowhere was this more pronounced than in the wealthiest country in the world (and Apple's home country).

That's a huge generalization but I think it resonates true to a degree. Also, anecdotally, I remember that all my school computers were Macs when growing up. I'm sure Apple seeped its tendrils into people's lives a variety of ways. It's not a cake walk for most people to switch ecosystems. As a lifelong Windows user I'll have a panic attack if you asked me to print a document on a Mac; I'm sure its the same vice versa lol

[–] 35 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (6 children)

r/Conservative is particularly interesting right now. Moderation can't keep up with the rate that they've been attacking each other for not being 'true' conservatives (and these are flaired users: the regulars who have been vetted by the mods). It's like a litmus test for MAGA's cohesion

[–] 17 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Seems intelligent and I've enjoyed some of his videos. I don't know much about him other than he's a bit... intense? and he's sparked controversy with some people. I looove the FUTO keyboard app he's associated with. It's the best TTS keyboard I've found, and I refuse to use the Google/Samsung/etc equivalents


The title's a bit disingenuous, I know: this didn't come out of nowhere. White supremacism is as American as Manifest Destiny and has been heavily intertwined with Nazism from its inception. That overlap with the Republican party, and their gradual slip into the extreme far-right, is evident.

But Seig Heils? Even the most dense among them must know that blatant Nazism hurts their legitimacy in the eyes of the public, even among MAGATs (as is evident right now if you peek at their echo chamber on Reddit). Surely they would have a much easier time pushing their rhetoric and establishing their agenda by keeping a purposeful distance from that sort of indefensible imagery and symbolism. How do they expect to keep cohesion in the military when you imply to the soldiers that they are Nazis now, seig heils and all.

Why Nazis?

Any theories as to where this is coming from? Follow the ketamine-fueled leader? A directive for operative Krasnov, from Putin himself, to implode the country? True Nazi beliefs among the Heritage Foundation, Proud Boys, etc? I just don't understand how they thought this would fly. I don't understand anything anymore lol.


I hear this is a rite of passage. I made it 4 weeks before I rekt all my shit (it was nvidia related). Where do I claim my sticker?

In all seriousness, now that I understand better these commands that I've been haphazardly throwing around, Id like to do a clean install. God knows what else Ive done to it. Can i just reinstall to my root partition and have my home partition work as expected?


I mean I feel stupid typing it now, but I've been using Windows since I was 5 years old, and Linux for about 30 days. It was not apparent to me that many of my folders were actually shortcuts to stuff in my user directory, and now that I know to look out for them the location of my applications make sooo much more sense.


cross-posted from:

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by to c/

Hi all. Today I was messing around with making custom icons in Debian 12 and I was having a heck of a time. I finally figured it out and wanted to share my solution. Below is a .sh script that will automate creating and replacing existing icons.

How it works

The script takes a path to an .svg file as an input argument. It then searches the /usr/share/icons/hicolor folder's subdirectories for .pngs of a matching name, notes their resolutions, and utilizes InkScape to convert the .svg to .pngs and replace the icons.

To utilize, save the script below as an .sh file and provide it an input .svg as follows:

sudo ./ /home/USERNAME/icon.svg

(note: your input .svg file must match the name of the existing icon you are trying to replace. Check the folder path below to determine the correct name)



# Define the base directory where icons are located

# Ensure the script is run as root to modify files in /usr/share/icons/hicolor
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run with root privileges to access the icons folder."
    exit 1

# Check if Inkscape is installed
if ! command -v inkscape &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Inkscape is not installed. Please install it and try again. (sudo apt install inkscape)"
    exit 1

# Input SVG file filepath
if [ -z "$INPUT_SVG" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/input.svg"
    exit 1

# Validate that the input SVG file exists
if [ ! -f "$INPUT_SVG" ]; then
    echo "Input SVG file does not exist."
    exit 1

# Loop through all resolution folders (resolutions like 16x16, 32x32, etc.) in the /usr/share/icons/hicolor folder
for resolution_dir in "$BASE_DIR"/*x*; do
    # Check if the resolution folder contains an 'apps' subfolder
    if [ -d "$resolution_dir/apps" ]; then
        echo "Found apps folder in $resolution_dir"

        # Extract the resolution size (e.g., 16x16)
        resolution=$(basename "$resolution_dir")

        # Get the name of the input SVG file (without the .svg extension)
        base_name=$(basename "$INPUT_SVG" .svg)

        # Define the target PNG file path in the current resolution folder

        # Check if the resolution folder already contains a PNG file to replace
        if [ -f "$target_png" ]; then
            echo "Found existing $target_png. Replacing it."

            # Use Inkscape to convert the SVG to PNG at the correct resolution
            inkscape "$INPUT_SVG" --export-type=png --export-filename="$target_png" --export-width="${resolution%x*}" --export-height="${resolution#*x}"

            # Confirm creation
            if [ -f "$target_png" ]; then
                echo "Successfully created $target_png"
                echo "Failed to create $target_png"
            echo "No existing $target_png found. Skipping this resolution."
        echo "No 'apps' folder found in $resolution_dir. Skipping."

echo "Icon update process complete!"
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