They both promote the same message.
There truly is a lot going on in this one tweet.
This is reaching into Not the Onion territory.
You should have gotten away from them long ago.
While I agree, open source technology hadn't yet fully matured when the NSA leaks first dropped. Something like Owncloud had only recently launched back then.
Thank goodness I just started moving my stuff to Nextcloud.
My bad. Just always hearing same thing about not pressing hard in actual journalism. Least in the US. So it can be a little frustrating, at times.
the presenter, Lauren Laverne, didn’t press him on what he meant about the negative impacts he mentioned.
Heaven forbid, we actually do any sort of investigative journalism.
As if individuals weren't getting taxed enough.
A few years ago, a couple of friends and I stumbled upon a few YouTube channels where these people literally do nothing but show you them eating and reviewing fast food.
Guy has the most fragile ego on the planet.
Apparently, Elon wants that sooner rather than later.
People who protested Democrats are now telling protesters their protests are meaningless?