Same here. It's infuriating. It is specifically Cloud Flare CAPTCHA that I have issues with, but Google's also take longer than it used to. I pretty much always have to select the images containing traffic lights or something, and then you see how bad some of them have gotten.
joined 2 years ago
For me, the Civilization V intro, lots of lan parties and online sessions where we suddenly found ourselves playing while the birds were waking up to the mørning sun outside our window.
Agreed, well summed up. I wish more people shared your insight. Never the less, I appreciate your stance.
This looks cool, I can't wait to try it out and forget I ever enabled it. But the API integration is awesome, could be kind of like the Playstation record on achievements feature.
I have used typeof(T) inside the generic class, so fx a function inside the class Pie
where T can be refered.
But out of context, if you were to call typeof(T) inside Program.cs's main function, it would not work.
Det virker som et godt forslag, jeg skal også i gang med NextCloud snart, så tænker jeg at Scaleway kunne være idéelt for backup.