Does anybody have insight into the design choice away from named arguments? Everything in the article and in the comments seems like different levels of kludge around an unfortunate decision
joined 2 years ago
Are you trying to do something programmatic with thousands of calls, or just engineer your own bespoke stuff? Seconding AWS SNS for big things. For small projects things, Google Voice at least used to be free or cheap and let you treat phone communications much more like emails than a standard phone number does.
Thanks, those are great examples that illustrate the possibilities in the post well!
I'm not offended by the idea, but I definitely subscribed here to hear about the electronic game development industry. So, my vote is against board/card game posts
Thanks. That's a big article, and some extra commentary and streamlining there is welcome!
+1. I haven’t used Twilio much, but I was impressed with the ease of use and onboarding when I used it 5+ years ago