Hollywood has been out of ideas forever. Even the Clooney Pitt ocean's 11 wasn't original. It was a remake of the rat pack one, with Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr.
Stupid fake Thursdays trying to get me fired
7 main books. They only split the last one
Not with that attitude
So that's how the warp drive works
Where can I get that sticker? I need to cover some Biden ones at the gas station
It wasn't her Harry
Set it in the 80s.
George Bailey lost touch with what was important and has essentially become Potter. He's divorced, living alone in a Mansion. Never sees his kids or grandkids. Too many board meetings. Losing a son in Vietnam got to him too. He's afraid to make attachments. He finally got to travel the world, but only to see the inside of board rooms.
The Black Monday crash in '89, he loses it all. He finds himself back in Baileyville (like it would've been Pottersville) at the bridge. Hobbles to the edge, pulls out Zuzus petals from his jacket and cries.
Subvert your expectations that it'll work out. And have that Citizen Kane type regret.
And then my hair was like
The President at the Super Bowl worked out so well in The Sum of All Fears
The -J never gets any love
I'm dying for that TJ Hooker rival