joined 2 years ago
I use komga for comic books and manga/manwha. It’s solid and syncs to tablet reader apps as well (I use tachimanga)
Second this suggestion. I run a synology NAS as well and it works great for that. My applications run on another box that mounts storage via NFS.
You forgot the Fastmail killer feature. Masked email addresses.
I didn’t say I used copilot 6 months ago. I use Linux.
I’ve personally seen ads in the start menu. It was my last straw, convincing me to move to Linux full time.
1Password supports passkeys btw. With aliases via Fastmail.
NPM is nice and easy to use.
I had a similar symptom recently but with an AMD system. I realized pretty quickly that my system simply forgot I had ram installed. I took out the ram sticks and swapped them, everything was fine afterwards.
Maybe try running a memtest just to be sure.