
joined 4 days ago
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Ja! Gibt sogar Vorfälle in denen Kinder in die Notaufnahme müssen, weil Eltern ihnen das einflößen.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Trigger für schwurbler vermutlich

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

See them quite a lot these days.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

No. Brave builds on top of the Chromium engine which is from Google but open source.


Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

So eine schwachsinnige Unterscheidung aber du wirst recht damit haben.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Effektiv vorbeugen und heilen mit Chlordioxid

Das ist für mich durchaus ein Heilversprechen.


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Edit: from the comments it looks like Gerband is way superior to Tesa and also from Germany.

Originally posted on Reddit


Edit: from the comments it looks like Gerband is way superior to Tesa and also from Germany.

Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

They look great!


cross-posted from:

While I find the wiki-style site for European alternatives ( ) very helpful and have started using it fairly regularly, I feel like it misses an option to just look up a brand or company and easily find out where it's from. Maybe that is already an option and I haven't found it. If so, please point me in that direction.

If not, what I would hope for, is a quick and simple place to check if a given brand or company is perhaps American owned (or more generally where it's profit ultimately goes). For example, I seriously doubt my mother in law would be able to know that Toblerone is an American owned brand. The current wiki pre-supposes that users already know this.

The average EU citizen is in his mid 40s and likely not all that tech savvy. Purchasing power skews towards older folks anyway, so it should be a goal to get this demographic on board. Does anyone have a starting off point where one can easily find the information on a specific company or brand on the go? Could something like this be added to the current site ( )?


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Macron, who has been calling for years to direct defense spending toward EU products, said he wants to convince other European countries that are currently “buying American” to shift to local options.


There are some amazing sneaker brands from Europe. Few of them are :

Adidas (Germany), Puma (Germany), VEJA (France), Salomon (France), Diadora (Italy), Karhu (Finland), Gola (United Kingdom), Superga (Italy), Hummel (Denmark), Munich (Spain)

Adidas and puma is obviously my fav but there are many others.

Please share your fav European brand for our sneaker heads :)

Originally posted on Reddit


2005 gab es eine Pensionsreform. Bis dahin wurden die besten 17 Arbeitsjahre als Bemessungsgrundlage herangezogen um die Pension zu errechnen.

Seitdem wird die Grundlage jedes Jahr um ein Jahr angepasst.

Diejenigen welche 2005 in Pension gegangen sind, denen wurden die besten 17 Jahre angerechnet.

Diejenigen welche 2015 in Pension gegangen sind, denen wurden die besten 27 Jahre angerechnet.

Die die 2025 in Pension gehen, denen werden die besten 37 Jahre angerechnet.

Das bedeutet, dass alle welche vor 2027 in Pension gehen, besser aussteigen als alle die danach gehen. Bei denen die vor 2020 in Pension gegangen sind, ist der Vorteil sogar noch viel größer.

Jemand hat 45 Jahre gearbeitet und die ersten 15 Jahre nur 1500 Euro verdient, die nächsten 15 Jahre 3000 und die letzten 15 Jahre 6000. Ist er 2005 in Pense gegangen wurde seine Pension errechnet auf der Basis eine Verdienstes von 5647.

Ist er mit den gleichen Zahlen 2015 in Pense gegangen ist die Basis 4666.

Bei allen die nach 2028 in Pense gehen reduziert sich die Basis auf 3500.

Bei der gleichen Arbeitszeit/Lohn bekommt man eine um 38% reduzierte Pension.

Die Junge Generation soll die jetzigen hohen Pensionen finanzieren und bekommt dafür im Gegenzug dann geringere Pensionen. So viel zum "Generationenvertrag".

Die junge Generation wird ausgebeutet und verarscht. Und muss sich dann noch anhören faul zu sein.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I suppose they did that to make it as easy as possible to get into it. It's sad but it's just how it is.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)


Interesting. Haven't heard about them. Would you be ready to post a link to them into the community? :)

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

It's quite counterintuitive but most stuff is not an asset but rather a liability. You have to maintain, clean, store it. Messiness comes from having too much stuff. It's almost impossible if you only have things that are really meaningful for you.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

That's so unfortunate. I'd still rather buy their phones than supporting Apple or any other soulless corporation. Even if they have the perfect phone

[–] 2 points 1 day ago
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