
joined 4 days ago

We are planning a site to list all of his supporters and appeasers.

If this is interesting, please check this.

Originally posted on Reddit


I’m challenging myself to buy nothing except groceries and gas. I’m canceling all my subscriptions. My spite and anger at the tariffs and bigotry is stronger than any need for anything else at the moment.

After a couple aborted attempts due to a car repair and a very desperate Culver’s stop (both after a few days of successful boycotting), I’m happy to say I’m back on track, on day 4 of my boycott and learned from my first attempts and in it for the long run.

I’m buying the bare minimum from the grocery and making everything myself I can from hair products to bread to pizza from scratch. I also have a few months of frozen meat I’ll now be dipping into. I encourage all Americans to do this since of course a full boycott isn’t feasible.

Originally posted on Reddit


Originally posted on Reddit


I've been trying for a few months to get rid of any stuff made out of EU (even before it was mainstream lol), and here are my conclusions at the moment:

Groceries: It's pretty easy. I try to go to local stores, but if I need to go to a supermarket, I go to Carrefour, Mercadona or Froiz, all european, and I've reached to the point that EVERYTHING I buy is european (mostly spanish, portuguese, french or italian).

Clothes: This has been tricky. To buy sneakers has been more dificult than I thought it would be. There are a lot of european brands that actually make it's products in China, Bangladesh, etc., so I had to look very close. Finally, I buyed Victoria sneakers and I'm very happy with them. For shoes and boots, Pikolinos is a very good brand also. Miguel Bellido shirts are very good as well.

Furniture: Well, Ikea is the obvious choice, but I do preffer to buy on spanish and portuguese stores that also have prety good quality for a good price, like Lufe.

Sports: Only sport that I play is climbing, and my last pair of climbing shoes are Tenaya Ra, and I couldn't be happier with them. La Sportiva has amazing products also, being italian and as far as I know, still manufacture in Italy.

Technology: Oh man, this is a pain... I don't want to throw away my iPhone 13 mini until it's done, but when the time comes, I don't know if there are going to be any alternatives. Fairphone, probably, but the components are also from China, right? And anyway, I will struggle with a big phone, which I hate. In PC I can move from Windows to Linux, but the mayority of the PC parts would be made in USA.

Good news is that the only USA page that I actually visit is Reddit, as I don't have Instagram, facebook or any other social media. Bad news is that it will be virtually impossible to leave Whatsapp.

Well, this is it, I guess that all of you are struggling with the same, being the technology the real issue, cause the rest is pretty easy to find alternatives even better.

My faith in Europe has risen since few months back, and I hope it's not too late for us to being able to compete in this new world that is emerging, where if you depend on any way on USA or China, you're lost.

A hug from Spain to all of you, european brothers. And sorry for my poor english.

Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Thanks for the feedback. Updated the post!

[–] 2 points 1 day ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

No it doesn't. If Google stops supporting it, the community forks it and continues development. Has happened often in the past.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Reiner Populismus halt. Die wollen die Gesellschaft so weit zerstören bis sie leicht kontrollierbar ist. Faschismus 101

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Ja! Gibt sogar Vorfälle in denen Kinder in die Notaufnahme müssen, weil Eltern ihnen das einflößen.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Trigger für schwurbler vermutlich


What European email services do you use?

Please recommend other interesting email services by your experience.

I have switched from Google's Gmail to ProtonMail and kMail. I really like both, kMail (by Infomaniak) have very similar app interface to Gmail so you will get used to it very fast and also have big storage for free and very good offers for paid plans 👍🏼

Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

See them quite a lot these days.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

No. Brave builds on top of the Chromium engine which is from Google but open source.


Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

So eine schwachsinnige Unterscheidung aber du wirst recht damit haben.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Effektiv vorbeugen und heilen mit Chlordioxid

Das ist für mich durchaus ein Heilversprechen.


cross-posted from:

Edit: from the comments it looks like Gerband is way superior to Tesa and also from Germany.

Originally posted on Reddit


Edit: from the comments it looks like Gerband is way superior to Tesa and also from Germany.

Originally posted on Reddit

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

They look great!


cross-posted from:

While I find the wiki-style site for European alternatives ( ) very helpful and have started using it fairly regularly, I feel like it misses an option to just look up a brand or company and easily find out where it's from. Maybe that is already an option and I haven't found it. If so, please point me in that direction.

If not, what I would hope for, is a quick and simple place to check if a given brand or company is perhaps American owned (or more generally where it's profit ultimately goes). For example, I seriously doubt my mother in law would be able to know that Toblerone is an American owned brand. The current wiki pre-supposes that users already know this.

The average EU citizen is in his mid 40s and likely not all that tech savvy. Purchasing power skews towards older folks anyway, so it should be a goal to get this demographic on board. Does anyone have a starting off point where one can easily find the information on a specific company or brand on the go? Could something like this be added to the current site ( )?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I suppose they did that to make it as easy as possible to get into it. It's sad but it's just how it is.

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