Klingt für mich etwas nach Panikmache. Das Gesundheitssystem muss sich immer für Katastrophensituationen wappnen, sobald die Wahrscheinlichkeit für deren Eintritt mehr als 0% sind.
"Rent everything, own nothing" is their goal
I like DDG a lot more, especially because of the bang shortcuts. But I transitioned recently to Qwant. It also has bang shortcuts and is hosted in Europe.
His IQ is definitely not 145
That's why he needed to bribe someone into saying that he has. ;)
Original poster didn't know that these services work with IMAP too. So they can be used with pretty much every email app.
This! Thanks for sharing this.
SMS/RCS? Groups are tricky. I got my family to transfer over to Signal (yeah I know still American but at least open source, privacy focused and low barrier) so I got this group over. The others I don't care that much. I still get updated on important stuff and people slowly move over.
Ja echt abnormal
Haven't heard of them. Will check them out! :)
Keep us updated
Haha würde auch passen. Das war ein crosspost vom Austria Subreddit, finde ihn aber leider nicht mehr.