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How about teaching them to install Adblockers?
Brave. It has a great Adblocker built-in. Even on mobile.
None probably
Let's see
We need a bot that automatically makes a comment when it drops another percent (translates to billions of dollars) or so 😂
Haha würde auch passen. Das war ein crosspost vom Austria Subreddit, finde ihn aber leider nicht mehr.
Klingt für mich etwas nach Panikmache. Das Gesundheitssystem muss sich immer für Katastrophensituationen wappnen, sobald die Wahrscheinlichkeit für deren Eintritt mehr als 0% sind.
"Rent everything, own nothing" is their goal
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Thanks! We appreciate all feedback. Given everything happening in the U.S., it's more important than ever to strengthen the fediverse. That's why we started this instance.
We definitely need more admins and moderators, but for now, things are still in the early stages and quite manageable.
That’s our long-term vision! But as you mentioned, we’ll need native-speaking moderators to make that possible.
If you're interested in helping, feel free to reach out. :)