Any good alternatives?
It's great seeing intuitive uses of the software more regularly, thanks for sharing!
It doesn't make sense to keep every box. I'd say be selective about witch boxes make the most sense to keep. Also, be selective about purchases in general and make a regular habit of purging. Refinement and balance will help lead a better lifestyle.
Because you could no longer build an awesome fort with it, right?
For a second I imagined he was packing to leave instead of returning, as if he just 'nope'd' out of the upcoming bad weather and now the house is fucked because no window to protect from the elements 🤣
Thanks for the share, I'll be saving this for the next time I'm feeling motivated in the kitchen!
Makes me want to buy Palworld
Do you have any favorite recipes?
I didn't know naan could be (is) made on a griddle, that's awesome.
What about them?
Doing good work out there 👍
In my opinion, no. It's definitely busy, but seems prioritized pretty well.