It probably disappeared into the ether because it was too short or lacked a backdrop of dried flowers and a cup of tea.
I'll usually go with the length of the video in cases like this. Anything above 5 minutes is a red flag!
I had a whole list of Blogger sites with full albums, bootlegs and mixtapes in all genres. It was wild and fun.
Breadcrumbs that actually work were nice.
Long time user and occasional donor here. I agree with all your points. I love that you can customize each view (daily with humidity and "feels like", weekly with wind speed, etc). And the widgets are just so well thought out and easy to customize to match your wallpaper. Lovely app all around.
"A spokesperson for Corbin Police said officials are not sure if flyers are being distributed by the KKK or if someone is printing them off the internet to stir up trouble." Ooof.
I love winter, I can't wait for summer to be over. That stillness is what I look forward to each year! And sometimes I like to watch videos like this at night to relax.
Hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze?
I'm sorry for your loss, I hope you are doing well now.
I've had the same (same or some iteration close to it) for over 20 years, 25 maybe? I used to be Valhalla in the 90s but at some point it became impossible to keep it as the name was popular and used on multiple forums and sites.
Being a big Led Zep fan I had chosen it from Immigrant Song. So when it came time to change it I thought of their label Swan Song and just added my initials to it. I have a couple of other accounts for other purposes that are almost as old but not as meaningful as this one is to me.
Ahhhh, now I understand!! Thank you very much for the explanation, it wasn't very clear to me. Guess I'll have to run shreddit over the weekend then.
In the csv from Reddit it shows I had over 5100 comments. I ran PowerDeleteSuite and it completely erased all my comments. I kept my account and I go back on Reddit once in a while to check and only once I had to delete a stray comment that popped back up. Otherwise my comment and post history (12 y.o. acct) is gone.
I can't wait for the REM (bottom left picture) to open, it's in less than a week!! After so many years, at last.