They'll be cooked alright
He's 88, so the implication of your comment is left as an exercise for the reader
Tariffs aren't external revenue. They're paid by the importer/consumer of the foreign goods (i.e. within the United States.) For starters, the current and proposed tariffs come nowhere close to the amount of money needed to replace income taxes. In addition, if the tariffs successfully discourage American consumers from buying products that they apply to, the money generated by the tariffs also drops even further...
Really it doesn't hold up to any scrutiny at all if you think about it even a little bit. To champion it like you're doing... at best, you have no understanding of the mechanisms being discussed, and you're believing their lies hook, line, and sinker. At worst, you are doing a poor job of trolling or are deliberately spreading propaganda. And given you know how to type, it's very sad that you don't know better, because you should.
Are you really saying you're taking their word for it? You make that new account just to troll?
That is a false dichotomy. There is no reason not to simplify the tax code and close loopholes while also ensuring the IRS has the resources it needs to adequately hold wealthier taxpayers accountable. Please participate in good faith.
The IRS is a good thing. It was starting to go in a better direction re: having increasing resources and capability to audit wealthier entities before this admin.
Lol what's your problem? Do you think the article is making claims about temperatures reached? Don't insult others' reading skills when you're not using your own.
Never thought I'd be wishing hell was real. This is evil.
Bad title. The article examines whether specifically noise-cancelling headphones may be involved in listening issues.
Gotta be careful with actual licorice lest you end up in a Chubbyemu episode
Some of them are pretty stupid, just not stupid enough to be a self-resolving problem