i thought maybe an insinuated extra peripheral could possibly craft/push exfiltration packets via OS calls.
I pray this thread persists for the next person who needs this info.
cool! how many people are watching this video with their glasses off? 😄
in my region you get the bugs around the time of day you need them popped up anyway. but they hide the bugs when they're down ^_^
maybe the point is exactly that the first panel is ambiguous. you'd think it's the press asking the question, then it's revealed to be the combover king instead.
did vaping make it easier to taper off?
Maybe reporters airing question and husky giving the big d permission to speak? difficult for me to tell what the cartoonist was going for.
is this cartoon supposed to be representing that yellow hair man is saying "mr president, i have a question"?
why we still doin MM for both month and minute
think you lose the bullets left in the magazine
"best we can do is several genocides"
like a bunch of plane crashes?