Cool. That's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the fact that there's more the the story when it comes down to who is going to be a useful and acceptable ally against capitalism. You don't work with the klan, no matter what their political belief is. And there are socialist bigots, as well as anarchist bigots. They're no more an ally than a capitalist bigot is.
Ahhhh, gotcha!
Yeah, you don't want that totally cold lol
Be aware that there has been little or no activity, so the user base is essentially dead unless people run across it via the all feed.
That means not all responses will respect the need for morbid questions being answered honestly and with an actual answer rather than a "wtf" type of response.
Functionally, if you used r/morbidquestions, or the discord server related to it, you already know the rules. I can't recall if I got them set up in the about section/sidebar, but in general, asking for advice on how to commit a crime is going to get removed, as will requests about how to commit suicide.
Some subjects get extra scrutiny, and may be removed with no notice. The most common example of that is questions about pedophilia or rape. It was always a problem on reddit, so expect any questions or comments about those matters in specific to be eyeballed heavily, and removed if there's a hint of a problem.
A minimum degree of civility is necessary.
A minimum standard of usefulness is also necessary. Comments that don't answer a question, or relate to the question are most likely getting removed. Random comments attacking a poster will be removed and the account making them banned permanently.
I can't promise anyone will ever answer. I won't promise I'll give an answer to everything, but if I can, and have time, I'll try to give honest, accurate answers. I won't bullshit a genuine question, even if I find it distasteful personally. I'd just not answer at all. I encourage anyone using the community to hold to that standard as well.
Do you not have a term in Spanish?
If y'all use yank, yankee, or gringo, they're all fine.
But, American is fine too. If you're using English, everyone will know what you mean. It isn't like it hasn't been the term used in English for at least a century.
Here the thing. If you're referring to someone from one of the two/three americas, you specify north, central and south. That depends a little on whether you consider all three as discrete areas, or not, but that's the norm in English.
If you want to refer to all people from the americas at once, Americans is also fine. Context will carry which way you're using it. English is fairly easy to make contextual indicators like that.
An example: "oh, Americans love their flag". Which americans are we talking about? The ones with a specific American flag. Which, the statement isn't universally true, it's just an example.
If you aren't using English, it doesn't matter at all, use whatever terminology is the norm in that language.
The reason it doesn't matter is that there really isn't an "American" people in the continental sense. The cultures of the continents don't even have a unifying effect, though you do have some connection between Spanish speaking vs Portuguese, vs native, vs English, etc. The language links in South America are much more significant than the fact that they live on the same continent.
Any time you'd be referring to the entire Americas, or the peoples of them, you'd specify that because there's not a single American continent.
One nation out of all of them being america really isn't a difficulty in conversation. It's a non issue.
It's a toomah!
While true, let's not ignore the fact that some citizens are definitely rabid about their party affiliation, and others are so fixated on other things like white nationalism that they're as much the enemy as capitalism.
Agreed :)
Tbh, I've never needed a hand involved.
We have two, one that's handheld, the other that's an add-on to the toilet.
Both produce enough pressure that what little might be left after a brief spray can be handled by a second. Never need a second with the handheld, since it can be moved around.
Worst case, i pat dry with some tp and need a third spray.
Never been to Europe, So i wasn't aware it was common to use the hands to help the spray. The water pressure here is high enough in most places it wouldn't cross my mind.
Thank you for that info :)
Nice catch! I wouldn't have thought of it since I was focused on the bidet aspect, and I tend to forget that people will try anything with their butts if they don't know better. Thank you.
Honestly, at this point, the only reason to go with either ecosystem is that Android, for now, allows you to escape Google, to some degree depending on how much work you're willing to put in. IOS/apple doesn't allow that
But, Google is trying hard to get to the same place.
But, ignoring that, apple got there first. That's what it amounts to. The first real smart phone was by Apple, and that gave them a leg up
Honestly, cold water is fine, even that cold.
Here's why. First, your bungholio is one of the hottest spots on body, so while there might be a moment of surprise if the water is really cold, it will only be a moment. Then, the anus and gluteal fold aren't particularly temperature sensitive. Pressure, yes. But temperature, they just don't pick up that kind of sensation as well as even the glutes themselves. Test it some time. A splash of cold water on you butt cheeks compared to your butt hole, it just won't bother you as much on the hole.
Also, depending in how your bidet is set up, you might not ever get warm water at all. There are definitely bidets that warm the water in the bidet, but most of them just run a pipe to the pipes under a sink or wherever. Which means the warm water has to come from the heater, through the pipes, and to your poop-pipe. It only takes a few seconds for the majority of a healthy poo's worth of residue to be gone. Even less healthy, or unhealthy poos won't take minutes of time.
So, you end up with your end only experiencing the cold anyway, unless you run it to get it warm before sitting down. Which isn't a good idea for other reasons, what with the water being a mini fountain.
Plus, the cool water feels nice.
Summit is one of the better lemmy apps.
I just wish any of those would work in a multi-column display mode. Even on phones, it's better.