Why doesn't Hagrid, who is the largest of the characters, simply eat Voldemort?
Saddam Hussein? You mean So Damn Insane!
It's the one where Krusty meets his long lost daughter and gambles away her violin.
It's the one where Lisa runs up the phone bill by calling the Corey hotline and the family is upset with her despite the fact that Bart calls Australia, Antarctica, and Argentina while Homer calls Burkina Faso and Disputed Zone and nobody gets upset with them.
If you like Life is Strange, you should try Tell me Why. It's by the same developers and it feels like what Life is Strange 2 should've been.
The Venn Diagram between people who actually support this and people who just want to own the libs is a circle.
I am a Robotnik
Anybody who believes that he would actually do this is someone who would fall for the wallet inspector.
I didn't vote for him!
Had a substitute teacher once who thought that the word Hell was a bad word even when referring to the location.
Stupid Sexy Flanders really did Homer a solid by sending him to Hawaii.
Talking Heads is the Devil's music.