here's a secret, the insanity is the whole point. it's a beserker, reset, on a federal level, break, burn, and wreck everything they can lay their hands on, make it unusable unworkable and irretrievably broken. that's elon musks's job, that's trump's entire cabinet's job. that's it.
hahahahahaha, they're gonna charge admission to a dead end next. ta-da!!!!
A Million Americans, died, badly, choking on their own fluids, unable to be near, see, or touch their loved one's when they passed, from a purposefully inept United States Federal COVID19 response, where during one of the press conferences Donald Trump suggested to an eminent virologist on live TV, that citizens might be able to use interal light therapy, or inject bleach as a treatment. What would a sentient being over the age of reason think was going to happen if he ever got a chance to take the big chair again?
shema yisrael adonai eloheinu adonai echad
that's all i'm saying, given the facts, occams razor and all
cheers, if i were to guess, the russiagate stuff is a way that smart people attempt to justify to themselves how they've been "tricked" by trump somehow, to allow that orange idiot dominion over them in not trying hard enough or being smart enough to stop him. i also think this last salvo is ukranian/european intelligence in a last best bid to do anything to stop the oncoming destruction and enslavement of their people, which I get, and sympathize with. if i were them i would have dropped a piano on that fucking asshole 8 years ago, and will go to my grave not knowing why they didn't. james bond? nobody. urkainians are dead men walking, and this is as good a thing as any to put out into the world as a last gasp. but if you've known donald trump from his nyc days, and through all his failed businesses, and his ties to racists and organized crime explaining the only way he's been able to float above all his failures, and know who his father was, and what he sees as the true order he believes the world should work, it's not rocket science.
you know when you'll know any european country is "taking it seriously", it's when they march troops into ukraine to create a human bullwark, before the americans land, and failing to do that, it's lost
this is what we call cauterization (where europe abandons ukraine to defend their own borders)
same, system. same