Does not using Twitter actually require an explanation?
Guitar strings.
I'm guessing a lot of comments will be of the "why do we want to?" variety.
It is not a myth that shooting two guns at once looks cool. It looks cool AF.
Happens to me sometimes from greater than normal amounts of stress. Goes away after 3-4 days.
Really. If you do choose to use one make sure it's compatible with your preferred debrid service.
Great news! Been sitting in my wish list since release.
I totally agree, as a US citizen. It's bullshit that we dominate the zeigthiedt of the world in general, but shit is fucked here. I really think we're reaching a turning point of some sort. And I think we're bazaarly influential on the rest of the earth. We suck. I feel sucky. A lot of us feel sucky. IDK. I'm honestly sorry for sucking so fucking hard.
This is perfectly normal for the area. Not saying it's right, just that it's a jungle and this is par for the course.
One of my go-to dinners. Never as good out as homemade.
Bread, milk and eggs are just traditional bellwethers of food economy in the US, so they get scrutinized first/most.