Loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed is a key symptom of depression. Basically, your brain isn't making the "I enjoy this" chemicals any more. This often strongly correlates with stress, which it sounds like OP has plenty of.
OP, you need a serious break. Give yourself time to de-stress and you will eventually find yourself enjoying things again. If you can't do that immediately, then talk to your doctor and maybe you can buy some time with meds, but know that it's just a band-aid.
Actually ELI5: You know those really old buildings with a paddle wheel on the side, sitting in a river? The river water pushes the wheel to turn it, and then we can connect the wheel to stuff like a sawmill or whatever.
Now, let's say you want to have a sawmill down the road instead of right on the river. If you're smart, you can find a way to stick a big hose in the river and take all that water to the other sawmill, and push a wheel there, then use another hose to put the water back in the river. That's basically what a wire does.