You're a big wobbly one huh?
"After breathing in, breathe out!"
Ya I down vote every censored post.
Thanks. They get real pissy in the self hosted communities when I point this out.
I'm aware. I was hoping op could expound on their statement.
I've never understood the histrionics over 'dark mode'
I had an ATI graphics card with a TV tuner in the early 2000s. It was sweet to use my computer as a DVR at the time.
Used to be?
Docker is the gnu version of windows users asking "where can I download an exe that just does what I want" (but with a dramatic teenage flair).
Your neighbor had multiple wolf dogs latched onto them? And you managed to put a finger in each of their assholes simultaneously or serially?
I like pits by virtue of being a dog, but I'm not confused about how dangerous they are. Some can be sweet and moderately trustworthy with training and constant constant supervision. And ideally a side arm.
Die already you evil fucking shithead.